Top 50 Alliance Rankings October 2022 Contest – Weekly Update (Oct 17, 2022)

Oct.17.2022 BY KIX_Klutch

The battle for the top WCRA alliance in October 2022 continues. Below are the current standings for the top 50 alliance rankings. These are the most strategic and powerful alliances in all of WCRA. Note that the Attack Score and the Defender Score depend on victorious wars from each role, total battles, and total participants. Read on to see the massive changes from this last week.

Tune in Monday, October 24, 2022 for the next update.

Top 50 Alliance Ranking – October 2022 Strategic Update

WCRA alliance SpaRtanS (#3) put in massive work this last week to climb from #5 to #2 with a massive 🟢 12.2 Total Score increase. They are definitely the alliance to watch for next week with momentum like this. Also putting in significant efforts this last week are China 倚天联盟 (🟢 8.3; #5), underdog alliance ᴾᴴ ᴹᴬᴺᴰᴵᴿᴵᴳᴹᴬ (🟢 8.3; #16), and Hyenas Pack (🟢 7.4; #10).

RAGNAR0K (#1; 37.8) still reigns supreme following an extreme offensive strategy while IMMФRTALS (#2; 31.9) closes the gap with their well-balanced Attacker and Defender tactics. COMMON ASSAULT (#4; 19.5) battles to keep 4th place as China 倚天联盟 (5#; 19.2) has the momentum to take #4.

Dates: Sept 26, 2022 – Oct 17, 2022

View Last Week’s Update (Oct 12)

Rank Alliance Name Total Score Attack Score Defend Score Score Change
1 RAGNAR0K 37.8 54 0 🟢 1.6
2 IMMФRTALS 31.9 31.9 32 🟢 6.2
3 SpaRtanS 26.5 35 6.5 🟢 12.2
4 COMMON ASSAULT 19.5 13.4 33.6 🟢 3.6
5 China 倚天联盟 19.2 19.7 17.8 🟢 8.3
6 B O R G 16.7 13.3 24.6 🟢 0.4
7 Arab Fighters 16.6 21.3 5.8 0
8 UNION Æ 15.6 16.3 14 🟢 6.4
9 Los Mugiwara 14 9.2 25.1 🟢 3.6
10 Hyenas Pack 13.8 18.2 3.6 🟢 7.4
11 UNION USE 12.7 12.4 13.5 🟢 2.6
12 tank hunters 2 11.6 14.7 4.4 🟢 2.9
13 Generation X 11.1 12.6 7.4 🟢 0.9
14 Mactan 9.2 10.5 6.1 🟢 0.8
15 LAT1N WARRIORS 8.9 8.7 9.1 🔻 -0.2
16 ᴾᴴ ᴹᴬᴺᴰᴵᴿᴵᴳᴹᴬ 8.3 11.1 2 🟢 8.3
17 Arab Hell 8.2 7.9 8.8 🟢 2.1
18 TheMagnificent 7 8.9 2.6 🟢 1.8
19 MAGICOS 5.7 2.6 13 🟢 2.3
20 C0MM0N ASSAULT 5.5 6.4 3.4 0
21 Camp Slayer 5.5 1.6 14.5 0
22 SpecOps Group 5.2 3.8 8.5 🟢 1.5
23 NKRI BHINNEKA 4.5 4.3 4.8 🟢 0.7
24 BORG FU 4.1 5.4 1 🟢 0.9
25 RUSSIA 3.8 2.4 7.2 0
26 1stRTR 3.5 3.4 3.9 🟢 0.9
27 IMMфRTALS_II 3.3 3.7 2.1 🟢 1.1
28 HardLiners 2.9 0 9.8 🟢 0.9
29 Red God Korea 2.6 3.7 0 0
30 Pinoy Tactical 2.4 3.5 0 🟢 0.7
31 The Old Guard 2.2 1.8 2.9 🟢 1.1
32 The Trinity 2.2 0.9 5.1 0
33 THE ULTIMATUM 2 0.6 5.2 🟢 0.1
34 WP Tundra 1.9 1.3 3.3 🟢 0.2
35 ESDEATH 1.6 1 3.1 🟢 0.8
36 KoreaEliteCont 1.6 2.1 0.2 🟢 1.1
37 УКРАИНА 1.6 0.8 3.3 🟢 1.1
38 Russian Force 1.4 1.6 0.8 🟢 0.4
39 USA ROCKS 1.3 1.9 0 0
40 BOSS BOSS 1.3 1.9 0 0
41 K A B S A T 1.2 1.7 0.2 0
42 HM Forces 1.2 0 4.1 0
43 العربي1 1.2 0 4 🟢 0.1
44 Новоазовск 1.1 0.9 1.7 🟢 0.5
45 7th Cavalry 1.1 0 3.6 🟢 1.1
46 duo boys 1.1 0.7 2 0
47 GERMAN VIK1NGS 1 1 1.2 0
48 TrueGladiators 1 0 3.5 🟢 0.1
49 IBUKI JAPAN 1 0.8 1.4 🟢 0.4
50 Ukraine_Brave 1 0.9 1 🟢 0.5

Top 50 Alliance Attacker Rankings – October 2022 Strategic Update

This week sees a massive increase in the Attacker Score of SpaRtanS (🟢 17.4) to bring them to a strong #2 place standing for October 2022 so far. Out of nowhere, a relatively unknown alliance ᴾᴴ ᴹᴬᴺᴰᴵᴿᴵᴳᴹᴬ (🟢 11.1) makes significant gains to find a spot at #13. The last major gain is the bloodthirsty alliance Hyenas Pack with a 🟢 10.5 points increase in large part from the quantity of 13 attacking wars won, second only to the first-place holder, RAGNAR0K.

Dates: Sept 26, 2022  – Oct 17, 2022

View Last Week’s Update (Oct 12)

Rank Alliance Name Attack Score Attacking Wars Won Battle Score, Attacking Avg Battles per War Attacking Player Score, Attacking Avg Players Total Attacking War Quality Modifier Change
1 RAGNAR0K 54 23 1.26 47 1.09 8 2.3 🟢 2.3
2 SpaRtanS 35 7 3.05 113 1.96 14 5 🟢 17.4
3 IMMФRTALS 31.9 5 3.36 125 3.02 21 6.4 🟢 8.4
4 Arab Fighters 21.3 6 1.71 63 1.84 13 3.5 0
5 China 倚天联盟 19.7 8 1.35 50 1.12 8 2.5 🟢 8.8
6 Hyenas Pack 18.2 13 0.74 28 0.66 5 1.4 🟢 10.5
7 UNION Æ 16.3 6 1.42 53 1.31 9 2.7 🟢 7.4
8 tank hunters 2 14.7 4 2.03 75 1.66 12 3.7 🟢 4.1
9 COMMON ASSAULT 13.4 3 2.33 87 2.14 15 4.5 🟢 3.1
10 B O R G 13.3 5 1.34 50 1.31 9 2.7 🟢 3.6
11 Generation X 12.6 8 0.93 35 0.65 5 1.6 🟢 1.3
12 UNION USE 12.4 4 1.59 59 1.5 11 3.1 🟢 4.7
13 ᴾᴴ ᴹᴬᴺᴰᴵᴿᴵᴳᴹᴬ 11.1 4 1.48 55 1.29 9 2.8 🟢 11.1
14 Mactan 10.5 3 2.12 79 1.38 10 3.5 0
15 Los Mugiwara 9.2 6 0.77 29 0.77 5 1.5 🟢 1.2
16 TheMagnificent 8.9 3 1.96 73 1.02 7 3 🟢 1.5
17 LAT1N WARRIORS 8.7 3 1.65 61 1.27 9 2.9 🔻 -0.8
18 Arab Hell 7.9 6 0.66 25 0.66 5 1.3 🟢 2.2
19 C0MM0N ASSAULT 6.4 4 0.71 26 0.9 6 1.6 0
20 BORG FU 5.4 6 0.36 13 0.55 4 0.9 🟢 1.3
21 NKRI BHINNEKA 4.3 4 0.43 16 0.65 5 1.1 0
22 SpecOps Group 3.8 1 2.77 103 1 7 3.8 0
23 IMMфRTALS_II 3.7 6 0.28 11 0.34 2 0.6 🟢 0.9
24 Red God Korea 3.7 2 0.93 35 0.93 7 1.9 0
25 Pinoy Tactical 3.5 3 0.51 19 0.64 5 1.2 🟢 1.1
26 1stRTR 3.4 6 0.21 8 0.35 2 0.6 🟢 0.6
27 MAGICOS 2.6 1 1.23 46 1.38 10 2.6 🟢 2.6
28 RUSSIA 2.4 4 0.14 5 0.46 3 0.6 0
29 KoreaEliteCont 2.1 3 0.14 5 0.57 4 0.7 🟢 1.4
30 USA ROCKS 1.9 2 0.5 19 0.46 3 1 0
31 BOSS BOSS 1.9 3 0.3 11 0.32 2 0.6 0
32 The Old Guard 1.8 2 0.35 13 0.57 4 0.9 🟢 1.6
33 K A B S A T 1.7 2 0.42 16 0.43 3 0.8 0
34 Camp Slayer 1.6 1 0.75 28 0.86 6 1.6 0
35 Russian Force 1.6 3 0.16 6 0.37 3 0.5 🟢 0.5
36 WP Tundra 1.3 3 0.19 7 0.24 2 0.4 0
37 UNION RK 1.3 3 0.09 3 0.33 2 0.4 🟢 0.3
38 ESDEATH 1 2 0.15 6 0.36 3 0.5 0
39 GERMAN VIK1NGS 1 2 0.13 5 0.36 3 0.5 0
40 Ukraine_Brave 0.9 3 0.12 5 0.19 1 0.3 🟢 0.5
41 The Trinity 0.9 1 0.43 16 0.46 3 0.9 🔻 -0.2
42 Новоазовск 0.9 2 0.1 4 0.33 2 0.4 0
43 УКРАИНА 0.8 2 0.13 5 0.29 2 0.4 🟢 0.4
44 Delta Corps 0.8 1 0.38 14 0.43 3 0.8 0
45 IBUKI JAPAN 0.8 4 0.06 2 0.14 1 0.2 0
46 Night Reaper 0.8 1 0.36 13 0.43 3 0.8 0
47 TC TÜRKiYE 0.8 3 0.04 2 0.21 2 0.3 🟢 0.5
48 duo boys 0.7 1 0.38 14 0.29 2 0.7 0
49 THE ULTIMATUM 0.6 2 0.07 3 0.25 2 0.3 🔻 -0.1
50 WP Arctic 0.6 1 0.19 7 0.43 3 0.6 0

Top 50 Alliance Defender Rankings – October 2022 Strategic Update

Looking below we can see massive defender score gains from Los Mugiwara (🟢 9.3), China 倚天联盟 (🟢 7), and SpecOps Group (🟢 4.9). Unfortunately, it looks like B O R G took a massive hit to their Defender Score of 🔻 -7. Meanwhile, IMMФRTALS take a modest lift of 🟢 1.1 while maintaining their place at #2 for the Top WCRA Defender Alliance Rankings along with the current Defender Rankings Champions, COMMON ASSAULT.


  • Thirty per cent of your alliance’s Defender Score counts towards the Total Score above.

Dates: Sept 26, 2022  – Oct 17, 2022

View Last Week’s Update (Oct 12)

Rank Alliance Name Defend Score Defending Wars Won Battle Score, Defending Avg Battles per War Defending Player Score, Defending Avg Players Total Defending War Quality Modifier Change
1 COMMON ASSAULT 33.6 6 2.95 74 2.66 13 5.61 🟢 4.6
2 IMMФRTALS 32 6 2.99 75 2.34 12 5.34 🟢 1.1
3 Los Mugiwara 25.1 6 2.69 67 1.5 8 4.19 🟢 9.3
4 B O R G 24.6 3 5.3 132 2.92 15 8.22 🔻 -7
5 China 倚天联盟 17.8 6 0.95 24 2.02 10 2.97 🟢 7
6 Camp Slayer 14.5 5 1.8 45 1.1 6 2.9 0
7 UNION Æ 14 4 1.94 49 1.56 8 3.5 🟢 4
8 UNION USE 13.5 3 2.34 59 2.17 11 4.51 🔻 -2.4
9 MAGICOS 13 3 2.13 53 2.2 11 4.33 🟢 1.7
10 HardLiners 9.8 5 0.85 21 1.1 6 1.95 🟢 3.1
11 LAT1N WARRIORS 9.1 6 0.49 12 1.03 5 1.52 🟢 0.9
12 Arab Hell 8.8 4 0.64 16 1.55 8 2.19 🟢 1.9
13 SpecOps Group 8.5 3 1.76 44 1.07 5 2.83 🟢 4.9
14 Generation X 7.4 2 1.9 48 1.8 9 3.7 🔻 -0.3
15 RUSSIA 7.2 1 3.86 97 3.3 17 7.16 0
16 SpaRtanS 6.5 2 0.72 18 2.55 13 3.27 0
17 Mactan 6.1 4 0.44 11 1.08 5 1.52 🟢 2.5
18 Arab Fighters 5.8 1 2.89 72 2.89 14 5.78 🟢 0.1
19 THE ULTIMATUM 5.2 3 0.6 15 1.13 6 1.73 🟢 0.5
20 The Trinity 5.1 3 0.39 10 1.3 7 1.69 🟢 0.6
21 NKRI BHINNEKA 4.8 2 1.06 27 1.34 7 2.41 🟢 2.3
22 tank hunters 2 4.4 1 1.28 32 3.15 16 4.43 🟢 0.1
23 HM Forces 4.1 2 0.19 5 1.85 9 2.04 0
24 العربي1 4 3 0.93 23 0.4 2 1.33 🟢 0.2
25 1stRTR 3.9 4 0.25 6 0.73 4 0.99 🟢 1.7
26 Hyenas Pack 3.6 1 1.49 37 2.13 11 3.62 0
27 7th Cavalry 3.6 1 1.21 30 2.35 12 3.56 🟢 3.6
28 TrueGladiators 3.5 4 0.34 9 0.52 3 0.86 🟢 0.6
29 C0MM0N ASSAULT 3.4 1 1.42 35 1.96 10 3.38 0
30 УКРАИНА 3.3 5 0.34 9 0.32 2 0.66 🟢 2.6
31 WP Tundra 3.3 2 0.17 4 1.48 7 1.65 🟢 0.5
32 T4B JAPAN 3.1 3 0.23 6 0.8 4 1.03 0
33 ESDEATH 3.1 2 1.14 28 0.4 2 1.54 🟢 2.6
34 The Old Guard 2.9 2 0.42 11 1.04 5 1.47 🔻 -0.2
35 TheMagnificent 2.6 1 0.67 17 1.93 10 2.6 🟢 2.6
36 IMMфRTALS_II 2.1 4 0.24 6 0.29 1 0.53 🟢 1.2
37 ᴾᴴ ᴹᴬᴺᴰᴵᴿᴵᴳᴹᴬ 2 1 0.28 7 1.73 9 2.01 🟢 2
38 duo boys 2 3 0.26 7 0.4 2 0.66 0
39 Night Reaper 2 4 0.09 2 0.4 2 0.49 🟢 0.3
40 Nusantara Utd 1.8 2 0.48 12 0.4 2 0.88 0
41 Valar Morgulis 1.7 2 0.07 2 0.8 4 0.87 🟢 0.8
42 Новоазовск 1.7 1 0.5 13 1.2 6 1.7 🟢 1.7
43 MAGIIICOS 1.6 3 0.06 2 0.47 2 0.53 🔻 -0.1
44 Мстители мира 1.5 4 0.18 4 0.2 1 0.38 🟢 0.5
45 IBUKI JAPAN 1.4 1 0.31 8 1.1 6 1.41 🟢 1.4
46 BlackHand 1.4 2 0.06 2 0.63 3 0.69 0
47 Happy Jokers 1.4 3 0.12 3 0.33 2 0.45 🟢 0.8
48 TC TÜRKiYE 1.3 2 0.29 7 0.34 2 0.63 🟢 0.6
49 ANG MANANABAS 1.3 2 0.28 7 0.35 2 0.63 🟢 0.5
50 GERMAN VIK1NGS 1.2 3 0.03 1 0.37 2 0.4 0

WCRA Top Alliance Rankings Definitions


  • Total Score = [0.7 x Attacker Score] + [0.3 x Defender Score]
  • Attacker Score = Attacking Wars Won x War Quality Modifier (as Attacking)
  • Defender Score = Defending Wars Won x War Quality Modifier (as Defenders)
  • War Quality Modifier = Battle Score + Player Score
  • Battle Score = Avg Battles per War of your alliance / Average Battles per War of “good” wars defined by Kixeye (subject to change)
  • Player Score = Average Players Participating / Average Players participating of “good” wars defined by Kixeye (subject to change)



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