New Heli Units. Release Notes, July 11th, 2024.

Jul.11.2024 BY CM_CALVIN


Attention Commanders,

New Heli Units, and a new Heli Unit Challenge event are on their way to the battlefield! Keep reading below for the first look at these new units.

Expected Release Date

Monday, July 22nd, 2024. *Updated on 7/16/2024*

* This date is subject to change and we will do our best to Communicate any delays *


Quick Stats

Role: Disruptive Mid-Range Tanking Helicopter
Damage Type: Explosive
Projectile Type: Missile
Armor Type: Explosive, Armor Piercing


The Mirage is a versatile, mid-range tanking helicopter. Armed with explosive missiles and equipped with secondary countermeasures, the Mirage can deploy a brief burst of chaff or jamming software to evade enemy projectiles for just under 2 seconds. This helicopter combines good speed, range, and excellent health, making it a solid all-rounder. Skillful use of its ability allows it to dodge attacks and strike back effectively before enemy defenses can reload.

Building Requirements

Helipad 13 (Player level 111)


Quick Stats

Role: Disruptive Hybrid Pierce-AOE Helicopter
Damage Type: Explosive
Projectile Type: Shell
Armor Type: Explosive, Armor Piercing


The Moonbow is a hybrid pierce-AOE helicopter equipped with a primary railgun and secondary missiles. Designed to take out closely packed infantry and base defenses, the Moonbow offers excellent speed and piercing AOE damage. Despite its high DPS, the Moonbow is fragile and needs protection from enemy fire. If well-guarded, players can use its powerful railgun—never before seen on a helicopter in WCRA—for devastating attacks against clustered enemies.

Building Requirements

Helipad 13 (Player level 111)

Heli Unit Challenge Event

Watch out for the NEW Heli Unit Challenge Event, where you’ll have the chance to earn the new Moonbow and Mirage Heli Units!

This event will run just like the new Infantry Unit Challenge Event – Once a week for 24 hours. You must successfully defeat the first mission to unlock the second, and second to unlock the third. Each mission can be attacked and defeated multiple times, with successively more points awarded for each mission completed.

Note: Since this event occurs weekly, you won’t be able to claim the entire unit in a single session.

Anticipated Start Date: Saturday, July 27th, 2024 at 12:01AM PDT. *Updated on 7/16/2024*

* This date is subject to change. We will communicate any changes should they arise *

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