War Campaign Leagues: Season 13 Final Leaderboard
May.17.2024 BY CM_CALVIN
The Season 13 Warlords of WCRA have been decided. The Warlords of WCRA are the ƈɛƖɛʂɬıąƖʂ alliance led by General LuuQuuDaa CΣ.
The ƈɛƖɛʂɬıąƖʂ fought valiantly to bring the Alpha Fighters Era II to an end.
Every member of the ƈɛƖɛʂɬıąƖʂ alliance has truly earned their golden names within the in-game general chat. This is so all commanders know exactly who their Warlords are, and what era they are in. The ƈɛƖɛʂɬıąƖʂ ends when it is taken from them. When an alliance of commanders bands together in strategy and skill and forcibly takes it from General LuuQuuDaa CΣ and their alliance of battle-hardened commanders, the ƈɛƖɛʂɬıąƖʂ Era will come to an end, allowing a new era to begin. Until that time, all commanders will know the Warlords of WCRA and their communication will remain golden, like the glory they showed on the battlefield, conquering and uniting the war zones under their sole power.
Don’t like it? Take it from them.
The ƈɛƖɛʂɬıąƖʂ now face the daring task of defending their Warlord title in Season 14. Remember, commanders, only the most powerful can rule in Earth’s war zones. Those who oppose the ƈɛƖɛʂɬıąƖʂ will have a chance to challenge them and try to take away their Warlord status in War Campaign Season 13.
There’s still time to arm yourselves and organize into the best war commanders Earth has ever seen and conquer the war zones in this WWIII post-apocalyptic wasteland.
⊲ War Campaign Season 13 – Final Leaderboard ⊳
Data Date: 13:00 May 3, 2024, to 23:59 May 16, 2024
1. In the Coming Days
- Rewards Granted: By Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024, by end of day.
- Season 14 Start Date: Friday, June 7th, 2024 at 13:00 PDT
- As of May 17th, 2024 at 12:15PM PDT: Secured Phase has been set back to 24hrs for the off-season.
2. Promotion and Demotion
Season 13 has ended, which means Promotions and Demotions will come into effect prior to the start of Season 14.
You will now notice titles have been changed to “Promoted to…” and Demoted to…”
Teams who are in the Gold (Promoted to) section will be promoted one Division up for Season 14. Teams who are in the Red (Demoted to) section will be demoted one Division down for season 14. Teams who fall between these two sections will remain within their current Division for Season 14.
Reminder: Teams who finished with 0 points will be demoted two leagues down. This means that “Runner-ups” may be eligible for promotion in these situations.
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