Defense Update. Release Notes, Nov 7, 2023

Nov.07.2023 BY KIX_Klutch

Engineering & Defense Report, Commander

edit: this is now live!

The Brief announcing our mission to obtain this new tech means we need to upgrade our Oil Storage and Defenses, Commander. It’s urgent that we stockpile our fuel, Commander. Our War Factory defence engineers are anticipating your successful retrieval of new blueprint plans and are ready to work around the clock to reverse engineer this technology. Oil ain’t cheap in the war zones, but we need it now more than ever.

We aren’t the only one in this arms race, Chief. With the new threat of the Antodon and Skorpius, we need to prepare to repel attacks. Here’s what we recommend, Sir.

Base Upgrades Brief

1. Upgrade Improvements

Oil Storage 17

  • Storage: 3,263,520 -> 26,170,857
  • Hitpoints: 500,000 -> 1,250,000
RUBI Tutorial
"Commander, this upgrade significantly increases our ability to stockpile fuel 
we can use for intensive manufacturing. 

Do not forget, Commander. Our Oil Pump storage has also increased. 
We can now pump oil longer before we need to transfer it to our storage facilities. 

See my math, Commander. Your oil storage facilities now hold many days worth of oil. 
I advise you to device a strategy, urgently."
RUBI's math:
Total Oil Storage with four Oil Storage 17s
Storage: 14,921,928 -> 104,683,428

War Factory 17

  • Unlocks -> Antodon
  • Unlocks -> Skorpius

War Factory Defensive Platoon 15

  • Capacity: 3400 -> 3700

Heavy Platform 14

  • Hitpoints: 15,280,000 -> 24,720,000

Heli FOB 15

  • Unit: Taal (3 heli squad) -> Derecho (2 heli squad)
  • World Map Cost: 11,332 -> 11,615 oil

2. Upgrade Costs






War Factory 17 1,314,753,036 21,666,667 Player Level 111 10,000,000
War Factory Defensive Platoon 15 986,064,777 16,250,000 War Factory 17
Heavy Platform 14 657,376,518 10,833,334 Player Level 111 2,100,000 each
Heli FOB 15 986,064,777 16,250,000 Global Ops 15
Oil Storage 17 469,554,656 7,738,096 CC 13 850,000 each


3. Player Levels

As a Level 111 player, upgrading the War Factory 17 will increase your player level to 112.


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