Dev Diary Oil Changes, Oct 16, 2023

Oct.16.2023 BY KIX_Klutch

Dev Diary: A Thoughtful Approach to Economy Changes in WCRA

Hello Commanders,

We hope this message finds you in high spirits, battling valiantly in the war zones of War Commander: Rogue Assault. As part of our commitment to open dialogue, we’d like to discuss the recent changes and adjustments, especially in relation to the oil economy.

First and foremost, we recognize that the initial changes were abrupt. We strive for the best, but sometimes, amidst our eagerness for progress, we might leap a bit too far. After reviewing feedback and further internal discussions, we’ve decided to recalibrate the magnitude of the oil economy change.

Adjustments Made:

Originally, our adjustments resulted in a -56% change. We listened to your feedback, revisited our approach, and have now moderated the change to -12.5%. This provides a more gradual transition that we hope better resonates with your gameplay experience. See the exact changes in the updated release notes here.

Why the Change?

Every change we implement aims to maintain the health, balance, and longevity of WCRA. Oil is a vital resource, and we understand its significance. However, as with any living game ecosystem, periodic adjustments ensure it remains vibrant, challenging, and enjoyable.

Our Commitment to You:

  • Data-Informed Decisions: We promise that our decisions will always be rooted in a comprehensive understanding of gameplay data and balanced against the invaluable feedback you provide.
  • Open Dialogue: We remain dedicated to communicating our intentions clearly, listening to your insights, and acting upon constructive feedback.
  • Iterative Adjustments: As WCRA evolves, we’ll make iterative changes—small, calculated steps that prioritize game health and player experience.

We genuinely hope you view this change as a reflection of our responsiveness and dedication. WCRA has thrived for seven years, largely because of our seasoned commanders. We value your wisdom, feedback, and unyielding commitment.

In the coming days, we’ll be launching a survey to gather more detailed insights about the recent changes and any other concerns you might have. It’s an avenue for us to understand the nuances of your experience and for you to play a pivotal role in WCRA’s evolution.

To our loyal commanders, know that our goal remains unchanged: to deliver a game that meets your expectations while pushing the boundaries of mobile warfare gameplay. Thank you for your understanding, patience, and unwavering passion for WCRA.

Let’s continue this journey together, refining and elevating War Commander: Rogue Assault.

Until the next battle,

The WCRA Development Team


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