October Building Upgrade Cost Changes

Oct.07.2023 BY KIX_Klutch

Command Center Update: Important Notice for CC12 and CC13 Players

Commanders of Command Centers 12 and 13,

Live as of October 7th, we want to bring to your attention a significant development we’ve rolled out, specifically tailored for you.

What’s New:

1. Major Building Upgrade Cost Reduction

Effective immediately, every building, FOB, platoon, turret, and mine associated with CC12 and CC13 will experience a cost reduction.

For CC13

Metal costs have been slashed by 64.5%, with a whopping -140,904,407,256 metal costs removed. Thorium costs are down by 79.7%, meaning -122,264,399,967 less thorium.


For CC12

Metal costs are now lower by 35.1% (-75,114,114,598 metal removed) and thorium costs by 69.5% (-127,296,869,696 thorium reduced).

Rogue Assault Command Center 13
Command Center 13 Costs Permanently Reduced by 70% (approximately)

2. Alliance Store Tweaks

The top two tiers of the alliance store, Tier 9 and Tier 10 have been removed and the metal amounts from these tiers has been transferred into your metal harvesters harvest rate. We’ve increased the metal harvest rates to the exact amount that was removed from the store. Your Level 17 Metal Harvester now produces 700,000,000 more metal each week. This contributes to a healthier war zone all around.

Metal Harvester Boost

Metal harvesters at levels 14 to 17 have had their harvest rates substantially increased:

Level 14: Increased by 223.76% (3.2x)

Level 15: Increased by 152.4% (2.52x)

Level 16: Increased by 149.3% (2.49x)

Level 17: Increased by 156.0% (2.56x).

To put this in perspective, level 17 will now fetch you an extra 700,000,000 metal every week!

Rogue Assault Metal Harvester
Metal Harvester 14, 15, 16, and 17 Give Up to 700,000,000 more metal per week now

3. Minor Adjustments

FOBs across the board will now require oil instead of metal and thorium for deployment. This adjustment matches the theme of unit repair and aims to mitigate the impact of FOB wars. Every FOB cost now aligns with approximately 5 minutes of oil harvest per CC.

Rogue Assault FOB Placement oil costs instead of metal and thorium
Rogue Assault FOBs now cost oil instead of metal and thorium

Important Reminders & Next Steps

  • If you’ve made upgrades between October 1 – October 6, please reach out to our customer support team. We’ll help process refunds, ensuring you receive the difference back.
  • We understand that some veteran players, who’ve worked diligently to amass resources at the older rates, might find this change unsettling. We truly value your dedication. This decision aims to invigorate our player base, ensuring you have more competitors and allies. With reduced costs, we anticipate a surge in player population, intensifying the game’s competitive landscape.


Closing Words

These alterations stem directly from your feedback. Our intent is to enrich your gaming experience, making War Commander: Rogue Assault more enjoyable and sustainable. We sincerely appreciate your understanding, patience, and continued support.

Stay sharp, Commanders! And as always, thank you for being the backbone of our community.



The War Commander: Rogue Assault Team


Please note these apply to the level you’re upgrading to, not the level you’re upgrading from. 

Upgrade Cost Changes – Full List

Old Costs New Costs Difference % Difference
Category Building Level Metal Thorium Metal Thorium Metal Thorium Metal Thorium
Building Airfield 10 300,000,000 300,000,000 336,992,986 133,906,261 36,992,986 -166,093,739 12.3% -55.4%
Building 11 320,159,753 320,159,753 340,396,955 135,258,849 20,237,202 -184,900,904 6.3% -57.8%
Building 12 495,000,000 495,000,000 343,835,308 136,625,100 -151,164,692 -358,374,900 -30.5% -72.4%
Building 13 600,000,000 600,000,000 347,308,392 138,005,152 -252,691,608 -461,994,848 -42.1% -77.0%
Building 14 900,000,000 900,000,000 350,816,558 139,399,143 -549,183,442 -760,600,857 -61.0% -84.5%
Building 15 2,227,818,252 1,577,888,381 438,520,697 174,248,929 -1,789,297,555 -1,403,639,452 -80.3% -89.0%
Building 16 3,013,324,414 2,223,674,538 440,724,319 175,124,552 -2,572,600,095 -2,048,549,986 -85.4% -92.1%
Building Alliance Embassy 2 507,000,000 432,000,000 211,547,674 84,059,785 -295,452,326 -347,940,215 -58.3% -80.5%
Building 3 176,407,116 224,285,266 264,434,592 105,074,731 88,027,476 -119,210,535 49.9% -53.2%
Building Barracks 11 300,000,000 300,000,000 347,317,163 138,008,636 47,317,163 -161,991,364 15.8% -54.0%
Building 12 495,000,000 495,000,000 349,062,475 138,702,147 -145,937,525 -356,297,853 -29.5% -72.0%
Building 13 126,952,517 159,879,447 436,328,094 173,377,684 309,375,577 13,498,237 243.7% 8.4%
Building 14 2,227,818,252 1,577,888,381 438,520,697 174,248,929 -1,789,297,555 -1,403,639,452 -80.3% -89.0%
Building 15 3,013,324,414 2,223,674,538 440,724,319 175,124,552 -2,572,600,095 -2,048,549,986 -85.4% -92.1%
Building Barrier 12 126,000,000 81,879,699 68,084,549 27,053,818 -57,915,451 -54,825,881 -46.0% -67.0%
Building 13 265,768,803 130,884,400 68,426,682 27,189,767 -197,342,121 -103,694,633 -74.3% -79.2%
Building 14 295,922,564 196,326,600 68,770,535 27,326,399 -227,152,029 -169,000,201 -76.8% -86.1%
Building 15 340,310,948 225,775,590 69,116,116 27,463,718 -271,194,832 -198,311,872 -79.7% -87.8%
Building 16 476,435,327 316,085,826 69,463,433 27,601,727 -406,971,894 -288,484,099 -85.4% -91.3%
Building 17 3,022,679 3,806,653 86,829,291 34,502,159 83,806,612 30,695,506 2772.6% 806.4%
Building 18 178,225,460 126,231,071 87,265,619 34,675,537 -90,959,841 -91,555,534 -51.0% -72.5%
Building 19 157,840,803 108,153,870 87,704,140 34,849,786 -70,136,663 -73,304,084 -44.4% -67.8%
Building 20 502,220,736 370,612,423 88,144,864 35,024,911 -414,075,872 -335,587,512 -82.4% -90.5%
Building 21 502,220,736 370,612,423 88,585,588 35,200,036 -413,635,148 -335,412,387 -82.4% -90.5%
Building Command Center 12 350,000,000 280,000,000 350,000,000 140,099,642 0 -139,900,358 0.0% -50.0%
Building 13 894,170,961 926,321,640 440,724,319 175,124,552 -453,446,642 -751,197,088 -50.7% -81.1%
Building Defense Platform 13 438,688,408 247,917,461 343,852,674 136,632,000 -94,835,734 -111,285,461 -21.6% -44.9%
Building 14 468,688,408 347,084,445 345,580,577 137,318,593 -123,107,831 -209,765,852 -26.3% -60.4%
Building 15 515,557,249 399,147,112 347,317,163 138,008,636 -168,240,086 -261,138,476 -32.6% -65.4%
Building 16 551,646,256 427,087,410 349,062,475 138,702,147 -202,583,781 -288,385,263 -36.7% -67.5%
Building 17 20,241,154 25,490,983 436,328,094 173,377,684 416,086,940 147,886,701 2055.6% 580.2%
Building 18 445,563,650 315,577,676 438,520,697 174,248,929 -7,042,953 -141,328,747 -1.6% -44.8%
Building 19 1,004,441,472 741,224,846 440,724,319 175,124,552 -563,717,153 -566,100,294 -56.1% -76.4%
Building Garage 4 300,000,000 300,000,000 345,580,577 137,318,593 45,580,577 -162,681,407 15.2% -54.2%
Building 5 320,000,000 320,000,000 347,317,163 138,008,636 27,317,163 -181,991,364 8.5% -56.9%
Building 6 384,000,000 384,000,000 349,062,475 138,702,147 -34,937,525 -245,297,853 -9.1% -63.9%
Building 7 600,000,000 600,000,000 350,816,558 139,399,143 -249,183,442 -460,600,857 -41.5% -76.8%
Building 8 1,716,191,323 1,451,263,518 438,520,697 174,248,929 -1,277,670,626 -1,277,014,589 -74.4% -88.0%
Building 9 947,044,816 648,923,220 440,724,319 175,124,552 -506,320,497 -473,798,668 -53.5% -73.0%
Building 10 947,044,816 648,923,220 442,927,941 176,000,175 -504,116,875 -472,923,045 -53.2% -72.9%
Building Global Operations 10 75,000,000 66,500,000 75,000,000 60,973,185 0 -5,526,815 0.0% -8.3%
Building 11 300,000,000 300,000,000 170,496,848 67,747,983 -129,503,152 -232,252,017 -43.2% -77.4%
Building 12 390,000,000 360,000,000 189,440,942 75,275,537 -200,559,058 -284,724,463 -51.4% -79.1%
Building 13 507,000,000 612,000,000 210,489,935 83,639,486 -296,510,065 -528,360,514 -58.5% -86.3%
Building 14 2,227,818,252 1,577,888,381 263,112,419 104,549,357 -1,964,705,833 -1,473,339,024 -88.2% -93.4%
Building 15 1,004,441,472 741,224,846 264,434,592 105,074,731 -740,006,880 -636,150,115 -73.7% -85.8%
Building Heavy Platform 6 280,000,000 281,500,000 125,818,871 49,994,912 -154,181,129 -231,505,088 -55.1% -82.2%
Building 7 336,000,000 337,800,000 157,273,589 62,493,640 -178,726,411 -275,306,360 -53.2% -81.5%
Building 8 504,000,000 506,700,000 196,591,986 78,117,050 -307,408,014 -428,582,950 -61.0% -84.6%
Building 9 655,200,000 658,710,000 245,739,982 97,646,312 -409,460,018 -561,063,688 -62.5% -85.2%
Building 10 773,136,000 777,277,800 307,174,978 122,057,890 -465,961,022 -655,219,910 -60.3% -84.3%
Building 11 811,792,800 816,141,690 383,968,722 152,572,362 -427,824,078 -663,569,328 -52.7% -81.3%
Building 12 129,543,384 163,142,292 479,960,903 190,715,453 350,417,519 27,573,161 270.5% 16.9%
Building 13 473,522,408 811,154,025 482,372,767 191,673,822 8,850,359 -619,480,203 1.9% -76.4%
Building 14 352,579,456 140,099,642 484,796,751 192,637,007 132,217,295 52,537,365 37.5% 37.5%
Building Heavy Transformer 3 280,000,000 257,500,000 380,138,635 151,050,453 100,138,635 -106,449,547 35.8% -41.3%
Building 4 504,000,000 506,700,000 382,048,879 151,809,501 -121,951,121 -354,890,499 -24.2% -70.0%
Building 5 655,200,000 658,710,000 383,968,723 152,572,363 -271,231,277 -506,137,637 -41.4% -76.8%
Building 6 773,136,000 777,277,800 385,898,214 153,339,058 -387,237,786 -623,938,742 -50.1% -80.3%
Building 7 811,792,800 816,141,690 387,837,401 154,109,606 -423,955,399 -662,032,084 -52.2% -81.1%
Building 8 90,680,369 114,199,605 484,796,751 192,637,007 394,116,382 78,437,402 434.6% 68.7%
Building 9 1,004,441,472 741,224,846 487,220,735 193,600,192 -517,220,737 -547,624,654 -51.5% -73.9%
Building Heliport 8 300,000,000 300,000,000 345,580,577 137,318,593 45,580,577 -162,681,407 15.2% -54.2%
Building 9 320,000,000 320,000,000 347,317,163 138,008,636 27,317,163 -181,991,364 8.5% -56.9%
Building 10 672,000,000 672,000,000 349,062,475 138,702,147 -322,937,525 -533,297,853 -48.1% -79.4%
Building 11 1,434,916,388 1,474,825,500 438,520,697 174,248,929 -996,395,691 -1,300,576,571 -69.4% -88.2%
Building 12 3,013,324,414 2,223,674,538 440,724,319 175,124,552 -2,572,600,095 -2,048,549,986 -85.4% -92.1%
Building Metal Factory 14 428,571,429 261,403,509 279,249,981 110,961,718 -149,321,448 -150,441,791 -34.8% -57.6%
Building 15 642,857,143 392,105,263 280,653,247 111,519,315 -362,203,896 -280,585,948 -56.3% -71.6%
Building 16 167,086,369 118,341,629 350,816,559 139,399,144 183,730,190 21,057,515 110.0% 17.8%
Building 17 502,220,736 370,612,423 352,579,456 140,099,642 -149,641,280 -230,512,781 -29.8% -62.2%
Building Metal Storage 13 90,000,000 70,000,000 90,000,000 44,384,688 0 -25,615,312 0.0% -36.6%
Building 14 300,000,000 321,929,825 139,624,990 55,480,860 -160,375,010 -266,448,965 -53.5% -82.8%
Building 15 450,000,000 352,894,737 140,326,623 55,759,658 -309,673,377 -297,135,079 -68.8% -84.2%
Building 16 445,563,651 315,577,676 175,408,279 69,699,572 -270,155,372 -245,878,104 -60.6% -77.9%
Building 17 502,220,736 370,612,423 176,289,728 70,049,821 -325,931,008 -300,562,602 -64.9% -81.1%
Building Minefield 9 112,500,000 99,750,000 112,500,000 82,805,183 0 -16,944,817 0.0% -17.0%
Building 10 225,000,000 199,500,000 209,437,485 83,221,289 -15,562,515 -116,278,711 -6.9% -58.3%
Building 11 450,000,000 399,000,000 210,489,935 83,639,486 -239,510,065 -315,360,514 -53.2% -79.0%
Building 12 573,966,555 688,251,900 263,112,419 104,549,357 -310,854,136 -583,702,543 -54.2% -84.8%
Building 13 1,004,441,472 741,224,846 264,434,592 105,074,731 -740,006,880 -636,150,115 -73.7% -85.8%
Building Oil Pump 13 150,000,000 168,250,000 208,390,298 82,805,183 58,390,298 -85,444,817 38.9% -50.8%
Building 14 225,000,000 252,375,000 209,437,485 83,221,289 -15,562,515 -169,153,711 -6.9% -67.0%
Building 15 642,857,143 392,105,263 210,489,935 83,639,486 -432,367,208 -308,465,777 -67.3% -78.7%
Building 16 78,920,402 135,192,338 263,112,419 104,549,357 184,192,017 -30,642,981 233.4% -22.7%
Building 17 176,289,728 70,049,821 264,434,592 105,074,731 88,144,864 35,024,910 50.0% 50.0%
Building Oil Storage 13 105,000,000 131,250,000 208,390,298 82,805,183 103,390,298 -48,444,817 98.5% -36.9%
Building 14 157,500,000 196,875,000 209,437,485 83,221,289 51,937,485 -113,653,711 33.0% -57.7%
Building 15 450,000,000 352,894,737 210,489,935 83,639,486 -239,510,065 -269,255,251 -53.2% -76.3%
Building 16 78,920,402 135,192,338 263,112,419 104,549,357 184,192,017 -30,642,981 233.4% -22.7%
Building 17 88,144,864 35,024,911 264,434,592 105,074,731 176,289,728 70,049,820 200.0% 200.0%
Building Power Plant 10 225,000,000 540,000,000 207,348,348 82,391,157 -17,651,652 -457,608,843 -7.8% -84.7%
Building 11 300,000,000 545,000,000 208,390,299 82,805,183 -91,609,701 -462,194,817 -30.5% -84.8%
Building 12 420,000,000 708,500,000 209,437,486 83,221,289 -210,562,514 -625,278,711 -50.1% -88.3%
Building 13 462,000,000 743,925,000 210,489,936 83,639,486 -251,510,064 -660,285,514 -54.4% -88.8%
Building 14 504,000,000 840,000,000 211,547,674 84,059,785 -292,452,326 -755,940,215 -58.0% -90.0%
Building Thorium Producer 9 750,000,000 784,210,526 280,653,247 111,519,315 -469,346,753 -672,691,211 -62.6% -85.8%
Building 10 825,000,000 862,631,579 282,063,565 112,079,714 -542,936,435 -750,551,865 -65.8% -87.0%
Building 11 157,840,803 108,153,870 352,579,456 140,099,642 194,738,653 31,945,772 123.4% 29.5%
Building 12 157,840,803 108,153,870 354,342,353 140,800,140 196,501,550 32,646,270 124.5% 30.2%
Building Thorium Vault 10 450,000,000 180,714,286 210,489,936 83,639,486 -239,510,064 -97,074,800 -53.2% -53.7%
Building 11 495,000,000 198,785,715 211,547,674 84,059,785 -283,452,326 -114,725,930 -57.3% -57.7%
Building 12 157,840,803 108,153,870 264,434,592 105,074,731 106,593,789 -3,079,139 67.5% -2.8%
Building 13 157,840,803 108,153,870 265,756,765 105,600,105 107,915,962 -2,553,765 68.4% -2.4%
Building Transformer 9 180,000,000 432,000,000 345,580,577 137,318,594 165,580,577 -294,681,406 92.0% -68.2%
Building 10 240,000,000 436,000,000 347,317,163 138,008,637 107,317,163 -297,991,363 44.7% -68.3%
Building 11 336,000,000 566,800,000 349,062,475 138,702,148 13,062,475 -428,097,852 3.9% -75.5%
Building 12 369,600,000 595,140,000 350,816,558 139,399,144 -18,783,442 -455,740,856 -5.1% -76.6%
Building 13 30,226,790 38,066,535 352,579,455 140,099,642 322,352,665 102,033,107 1066.4% 268.0%
Building 14 157,840,803 270,384,675 440,724,319 175,124,552 282,883,516 -95,260,123 179.2% -35.2%
Building 15 157,840,803 270,384,675 442,927,941 176,000,175 285,087,138 -94,384,500 180.6% -34.9%
Building War Factory 12 300,000,000 300,000,000 345,580,577 137,318,593 45,580,577 -162,681,407 15.2% -54.2%
Building 13 495,000,000 495,000,000 347,317,163 138,008,636 -147,682,837 -356,991,364 -29.8% -72.1%
Building 14 643,500,000 643,500,000 349,062,475 138,702,147 -294,437,525 -504,797,853 -45.8% -78.4%
Building 15 323,858,461 407,855,731 436,328,094 173,377,684 112,469,633 -234,478,047 34.7% -57.5%
Building 16 473,522,408 811,154,025 438,520,697 174,248,929 -35,001,711 -636,905,096 -7.4% -78.5%
FOB Heavy Vehicle FOB 10 350,000,000 300,000,000 277,853,731 110,406,909 -72,146,269 -189,593,091 -20.6% -63.2%
FOB 11 415,000,000 384,000,000 279,249,981 110,961,718 -135,750,019 -273,038,282 -32.7% -71.1%
FOB 12 450,450,000 450,450,000 280,653,247 111,519,315 -169,796,753 -338,930,685 -37.7% -75.2%
FOB 13 894,170,961 926,321,640 282,056,513 112,076,912 -612,114,448 -814,244,728 -68.5% -87.9%
FOB 14 1,262,726,421 648,923,220 352,579,456 140,099,642 -910,146,965 -508,823,578 -72.1% -78.4%
FOB 15 1,262,726,421 648,923,220 352,579,456 140,099,642 -910,146,965 -508,823,578 -72.1% -78.4%
FOB Helicopter FOB 10 350,000,000 300,000,000 277,853,731 110,406,909 -72,146,269 -189,593,091 -20.6% -63.2%
FOB 11 415,000,000 384,000,000 279,249,981 110,961,718 -135,750,019 -273,038,282 -32.7% -71.1%
FOB 12 435,750,000 403,200,000 280,653,247 111,519,315 -155,096,753 -291,680,685 -35.6% -72.3%
FOB 13 470,400,000 470,400,000 282,056,513 112,076,912 -188,343,487 -358,323,088 -40.0% -76.2%
FOB 14 947,044,816 757,077,090 352,579,456 140,099,642 -594,465,360 -616,977,448 -62.8% -81.5%
FOB 15 352,579,456 140,099,642 354,342,353 140,800,140 1,762,897 700,498 0.5% 0.5%
FOB Infantry FOB 10 350,000,000 300,000,000 277,853,731 110,406,909 -72,146,269 -189,593,091 -20.6% -63.2%
FOB 11 415,000,000 384,000,000 279,249,981 110,961,718 -135,750,019 -273,038,282 -32.7% -71.1%
FOB 12 450,450,000 450,450,000 280,653,247 111,519,315 -169,796,753 -338,930,685 -37.7% -75.2%
FOB 13 525,128,587 264,859,835 350,816,559 139,399,144 -174,312,028 -125,460,691 -33.2% -47.4%
FOB 14 2,008,882,943 1,482,449,692 352,579,456 140,099,642 -1,656,303,487 -1,342,350,050 -82.4% -90.5%
Landmines Anti-Infantry Mine 11 1,875,000 2,000,000 0 0 -1,875,000 -2,000,000 -100.0% -100.0%
Landmines 12 236,761,204 189,269,273 175,408,279 69,699,572 -61,352,925 -119,569,701 -25.9% -63.2%
Landmines 13 264,434,592 105,074,731 176,289,728 70,049,821 -88,144,864 -35,024,910 -33.3% -33.3%
Landmines Anti-Vehicle Mine 10 137,000,000 129,000,000 84,335,975 33,481,796 -52,664,025 -95,518,204 -38.4% -74.0%
Landmines 11 274,000,000 258,000,000 112,331,300 44,620,728 -161,668,700 -213,379,272 -59.0% -82.7%
Landmines 12 575,400,000 541,800,000 140,326,623 55,759,658 -435,073,377 -486,040,342 -75.6% -89.7%
Landmines 13 239,152,732 245,804,250 175,408,279 69,699,572 -63,744,453 -176,104,678 -26.7% -71.6%
Landmines 14 1,004,441,472 741,224,846 176,289,728 70,049,821 -828,151,744 -671,175,025 -82.4% -90.5%
Platoon Airfield Defender Platoon 10 325,000,000 250,000,000 275,082,140 109,305,601 -49,917,860 -140,694,399 -15.4% -56.3%
Platoon 11 487,500,000 375,000,000 276,464,462 109,854,875 -211,035,538 -265,145,125 -43.3% -70.7%
Platoon 12 618,750,000 618,750,000 277,853,731 110,406,910 -340,896,269 -508,343,090 -55.1% -82.2%
Platoon 13 725,000,000 725,000,000 279,249,981 110,961,718 -445,750,019 -614,038,282 -61.5% -84.7%
Platoon 14 870,000,000 870,000,000 280,653,247 111,519,315 -589,346,753 -758,480,685 -67.7% -87.2%
Platoon 15 5,251,285,879 2,648,598,355 350,816,559 139,399,144 -4,900,469,320 -2,509,199,211 -93.3% -94.7%
Platoon 16 2,008,882,943 1,482,449,692 352,579,456 140,099,642 -1,656,303,487 -1,342,350,050 -82.4% -90.5%
Platoon Alpha Offensive Platoon 12 275,000,000 150,000,000 220,065,712 87,444,481 -54,934,288 -62,555,519 -20.0% -41.7%
Platoon 13 630,000,000 385,000,000 275,082,140 109,305,601 -354,917,860 -275,694,399 -56.3% -71.6%
Platoon 14 678,500,000 414,750,000 276,464,462 109,854,875 -402,035,538 -304,895,125 -59.3% -73.5%
Platoon 15 727,000,000 443,300,000 277,853,731 110,406,910 -449,146,269 -332,893,090 -61.8% -75.1%
Platoon 16 770,620,000 469,898,000 279,249,981 110,961,718 -491,370,019 -358,936,282 -63.8% -76.4%
Platoon 17 238,445,590 247,019,104 349,062,476 138,702,148 110,616,886 -108,316,956 46.4% -43.8%
Platoon 18 1,434,916,388 1,474,825,500 350,816,559 139,399,144 -1,084,099,829 -1,335,426,356 -75.6% -90.5%
Platoon 19 3,013,324,414 2,223,674,538 352,579,456 140,099,642 -2,660,744,958 -2,083,574,896 -88.3% -93.7%
Platoon Barracks Defender Platoon 10 60,000,000 50,000,000 125,000,000 100,000,000 65,000,000 50,000,000 108.3% 100.0%
Platoon 11 450,000,000 450,000,000 277,853,731 110,406,909 -172,146,269 -339,593,091 -38.3% -75.5%
Platoon 12 632,060,000 486,200,000 279,249,981 110,961,718 -352,810,019 -375,238,282 -55.8% -77.2%
Platoon 13 350,515,017 363,118,083 349,062,476 138,702,148 -1,452,541 -224,415,935 -0.4% -61.8%
Platoon 14 2,625,642,940 1,324,299,177 350,816,559 139,399,144 -2,274,826,381 -1,184,900,033 -86.6% -89.5%
Platoon 15 2,008,882,943 1,482,449,692 352,579,456 140,099,642 -1,656,303,487 -1,342,350,050 -82.4% -90.5%
Platoon Bravo Offensive Platoon 13 315,000,000 192,500,000 275,082,140 109,305,601 -39,917,860 -83,194,399 -12.7% -43.2%
Platoon 14 339,250,000 207,375,000 276,464,462 109,854,875 -62,785,538 -97,520,125 -18.5% -47.0%
Platoon 15 363,500,000 221,650,000 277,853,731 110,406,910 -85,646,269 -111,243,090 -23.6% -50.2%
Platoon 16 385,310,000 385,310,000 279,249,981 110,961,718 -106,060,019 -274,348,282 -27.5% -71.2%
Platoon 17 238,445,590 247,019,104 349,062,476 138,702,148 110,616,886 -108,316,956 46.4% -43.8%
Platoon 18 717,458,194 737,412,750 350,816,559 139,399,144 -366,641,635 -598,013,606 -51.1% -81.1%
Platoon 19 1,004,441,472 741,224,846 352,579,456 140,099,642 -651,862,016 -601,125,204 -64.9% -81.1%
Platoon Charlie Offensive Platoon 13 157,500,000 96,250,000 275,082,140 109,305,601 117,582,140 13,055,601 74.7% 13.6%
Platoon 14 169,625,000 103,687,500 276,464,462 109,854,875 106,839,462 6,167,375 63.0% 5.9%
Platoon 15 181,750,000 110,825,000 277,853,731 110,406,910 96,103,731 -418,090 52.9% -0.4%
Platoon 16 192,655,000 192,655,000 279,249,981 110,961,718 86,594,981 -81,693,282 44.9% -42.4%
Platoon 17 238,445,590 247,019,104 349,062,476 138,702,148 110,616,886 -108,316,956 46.4% -43.8%
Platoon 18 478,305,463 491,608,500 350,816,559 139,399,144 -127,488,904 -352,209,356 -26.7% -71.6%
Platoon 19 502,220,736 370,612,423 352,579,456 140,099,642 -149,641,280 -230,512,781 -29.8% -62.2%
Platoon Garage Defender Platoon 4 325,000,000 250,000,000 276,464,462 109,854,874 -48,535,538 -140,145,126 -14.9% -56.1%
Platoon 5 487,500,000 375,000,000 277,853,731 110,406,909 -209,646,269 -264,593,091 -43.0% -70.6%
Platoon 6 495,000,000 495,000,000 279,249,981 110,961,718 -215,750,019 -384,038,282 -43.6% -77.6%
Platoon 7 600,000,000 600,000,000 280,653,247 111,519,315 -319,346,753 -488,480,685 -53.2% -81.4%
Platoon 8 1,262,726,421 648,923,220 350,816,559 139,399,144 -911,909,862 -509,524,076 -72.2% -78.5%
Platoon 9 1,262,726,421 648,923,220 352,579,456 140,099,642 -910,146,965 -508,823,578 -72.1% -78.4%
Platoon Helipad Defender Platoon 8 487,500,000 375,000,000 275,082,140 109,305,600 -212,417,860 -265,694,400 -43.6% -70.9%
Platoon 9 574,600,000 442,000,000 276,464,462 109,854,874 -298,135,538 -332,145,126 -51.9% -75.1%
Platoon 10 632,060,000 486,200,000 277,853,731 110,406,909 -354,206,269 -375,793,091 -56.0% -77.3%
Platoon 11 758,472,000 607,750,000 279,249,981 110,961,718 -479,222,019 -496,788,282 -63.2% -81.7%
Platoon 12 1,434,916,388 1,474,825,500 350,816,559 139,399,144 -1,084,099,829 -1,335,426,356 -75.6% -90.5%
Platoon 13 2,008,882,943 1,482,449,692 352,579,456 140,099,642 -1,656,303,487 -1,342,350,050 -82.4% -90.5%
Platoon War Factory Defender Platoon 10 487,500,000 375,000,000 275,082,140 109,305,600 -212,417,860 -265,694,400 -43.6% -70.9%
Platoon 11 495,000,000 495,000,000 276,464,462 109,854,874 -218,535,538 -385,145,126 -44.1% -77.8%
Platoon 12 707,850,000 707,850,000 277,853,731 110,406,909 -429,996,269 -597,443,091 -60.7% -84.4%
Platoon 13 500,735,738 518,740,119 350,816,559 139,399,144 -149,919,179 -379,340,975 -29.9% -73.1%
Platoon 14 947,044,816 757,077,090 352,579,456 140,099,642 -594,465,360 -616,977,448 -62.8% -81.5%
Platoon 15 352,579,456 140,099,642 354,342,353 140,800,140 1,762,897 700,498 0.5% 0.5%
Turret Flak Turret 10 375,000,000 330,000,000 279,249,981 110,961,718 -95,750,019 -219,038,282 -25.5% -66.4%
Turret 11 450,000,000 396,000,000 280,653,247 111,519,315 -169,346,753 -284,480,685 -37.6% -71.8%
Turret 12 44,708,548 46,316,082 350,816,559 139,399,144 306,108,011 93,083,062 684.7% 201.0%
Turret 13 631,363,211 324,461,610 352,579,456 140,099,642 -278,783,755 -184,361,968 -44.2% -56.8%
Turret 14 631,363,211 324,461,610 354,342,353 140,800,140 -277,020,858 -183,661,470 -43.9% -56.6%
Turret Gatekeeper Turret 6 375,000,000 330,000,000 70,163,312 27,879,829 -304,836,688 -302,120,171 -81.3% -91.6%
Turret 7 450,000,000 396,000,000 70,515,891 28,019,929 -379,484,109 -367,980,071 -84.3% -92.9%
Turret 8 315,681,606 162,230,805 88,144,864 35,024,911 -227,536,742 -127,205,894 -72.1% -78.4%
Turret 9 378,817,927 194,676,966 88,585,588 35,200,036 -290,232,339 -159,476,930 -76.6% -81.9%
Turret Heavy Cannon Turret 4 200,000,000 200,000,000 200,000,000 109,305,600 0 -90,694,400 0.0% -45.3%
Turret 5 455,000,000 357,500,000 343,852,674 136,632,000 -111,147,326 -220,868,000 -24.4% -61.8%
Turret 6 600,600,000 471,900,000 345,580,577 137,318,593 -255,019,423 -334,581,407 -42.5% -70.9%
Turret 7 690,690,000 542,685,000 347,317,163 138,008,636 -343,372,837 -404,676,364 -49.7% -74.6%
Turret 8 892,972,080 897,755,859 349,062,475 138,702,147 -543,909,605 -759,053,712 -60.9% -84.6%
Turret 9 1,434,916,388 1,474,825,500 436,328,094 173,377,684 -998,588,294 -1,301,447,816 -69.6% -88.2%
Turret 10 2,008,882,943 1,482,449,692 438,520,697 174,248,929 -1,570,362,246 -1,308,200,763 -78.2% -88.2%
Turret Heavy Flak Turret 4 350,000,000 275,000,000 200,000,000 109,305,600 -150,000,000 -165,694,400 -42.9% -60.3%
Turret 5 600,600,000 471,900,000 343,852,674 136,632,000 -256,747,326 -335,268,000 -42.7% -71.0%
Turret 6 720,720,000 566,280,000 345,580,577 137,318,593 -375,139,423 -428,961,407 -52.1% -75.8%
Turret 7 850,449,600 855,005,580 347,317,163 138,008,636 -503,132,437 -716,996,944 -59.2% -83.9%
Turret 8 447,085,480 463,160,820 436,328,094 173,377,684 -10,757,386 -289,783,136 -2.4% -62.6%
Turret 9 1,262,726,421 648,923,220 438,520,697 174,248,929 -824,205,724 -474,674,291 -65.3% -73.1%
Turret 10 1,262,726,421 648,923,220 440,724,319 175,124,552 -822,002,102 -473,798,668 -65.1% -73.0%
Turret Heavy Gustaf Turret 5 300,000,000 300,000,000 343,852,674 136,632,000 43,852,674 -163,368,000 14.6% -54.5%
Turret 6 850,449,600 855,005,580 347,317,163 138,008,636 -503,132,437 -716,996,944 -59.2% -83.9%
Turret 7 5,251,285,879 2,648,598,355 436,328,094 174,248,929 -4,814,957,785 -2,474,349,426 -91.7% -93.4%
Turret 8 2,008,882,943 1,482,449,692 440,724,319 175,124,552 -1,568,158,624 -1,307,325,140 -78.1% -88.2%
Turret Heavy SAM Turret 3 175,000,000 137,500,000 175,000,000 109,305,600 0 -28,194,400 0.0% -20.5%
Turret 4 455,000,000 357,500,000 343,852,674 136,632,000 -111,147,326 -220,868,000 -24.4% -61.8%
Turret 5 546,000,000 429,000,000 345,580,577 137,318,593 -200,419,423 -291,681,407 -36.7% -68.0%
Turret 6 600,600,000 471,900,000 347,317,163 138,008,636 -253,282,837 -333,891,364 -42.2% -70.8%
Turret 7 447,085,480 463,160,820 349,062,475 138,702,147 -98,023,005 -324,458,673 -21.9% -70.1%
Turret 8 2,008,882,943 1,482,449,692 440,724,319 175,124,552 -1,568,158,624 -1,307,325,140 -78.1% -88.2%
Turret Howitzer Turret 12 312,500,000 275,000,000 276,464,462 109,854,874 -36,035,538 -165,145,126 -11.5% -60.1%
Turret 13 375,000,000 330,000,000 277,853,731 110,406,909 -97,146,269 -219,593,091 -25.9% -66.5%
Turret 14 450,000,000 396,000,000 279,249,981 110,961,718 -170,750,019 -285,038,282 -37.9% -72.0%
Turret 15 540,000,000 594,000,000 280,653,247 111,519,315 -259,346,753 -482,480,685 -48.0% -81.2%
Turret 16 1,750,428,626 882,866,118 350,816,559 139,399,144 -1,399,612,067 -743,466,974 -80.0% -84.2%
Turret 17 1,004,441,472 741,224,846 352,579,456 140,099,642 -651,862,016 -601,125,204 -64.9% -81.1%
Turret Hydra Turret 8 312,500,000 275,000,000 276,464,462 109,854,874 -36,035,538 -165,145,126 -11.5% -60.1%
Turret 9 312,500,000 275,000,000 277,853,731 110,406,909 -34,646,269 -164,593,091 -11.1% -59.9%
Turret 10 375,000,000 330,000,000 279,249,981 110,961,718 -95,750,019 -219,038,282 -25.5% -66.4%
Turret 11 487,500,000 429,000,000 280,653,247 111,519,315 -206,846,753 -317,480,685 -42.4% -74.0%
Turret 12 956,610,925 983,217,000 350,816,559 139,399,144 -605,794,366 -843,817,856 -63.3% -85.8%
Turret 13 2,008,882,943 1,482,449,692 352,579,456 140,099,642 -1,656,303,487 -1,342,350,050 -82.4% -90.5%
Turret Machine Gun Turret 12 312,500,000 275,000,000 207,348,348 82,391,156 -105,151,652 -192,608,844 -33.6% -70.0%
Turret 13 312,500,000 275,000,000 208,390,299 82,805,182 -104,109,701 -192,194,818 -33.3% -69.9%
Turret 14 450,000,000 396,000,000 209,437,486 83,221,288 -240,562,514 -312,778,712 -53.5% -79.0%
Turret 15 21,907,189 22,694,880 261,796,857 104,026,610 239,889,668 81,331,730 1095.0% 358.4%
Turret 16 717,458,194 737,412,750 263,112,419 104,549,357 -454,345,775 -632,863,393 -63.3% -85.8%
Turret 17 1,004,441,472 741,224,846 264,434,592 105,074,731 -740,006,880 -636,150,115 -73.7% -85.8%
Turret Peacemaker Turret 7 87,500,000 75,000,000 165,878,678 65,912,926 78,378,678 -9,087,074 89.6% -12.1%
Turret 8 312,500,000 275,000,000 207,348,347 82,391,157 -105,151,653 -192,608,843 -33.6% -70.0%
Turret 9 375,000,000 330,000,000 208,390,298 82,805,183 -166,609,702 -247,194,817 -44.4% -74.9%
Turret 10 450,000,000 396,000,000 209,437,485 83,221,289 -240,562,515 -312,778,711 -53.5% -79.0%
Turret 11 450,000,000 396,000,000 210,489,935 83,639,486 -239,510,065 -312,360,514 -53.2% -78.9%
Turret 12 525,128,588 264,859,835 263,112,419 104,549,357 -262,016,169 -160,310,478 -49.9% -60.5%
Turret 13 1,004,441,472 741,224,846 264,434,592 105,074,731 -740,006,880 -636,150,115 -73.7% -85.8%
Turret Railgun Turret 9 60,000,000 67,500,000 60,000,000 66,244,146 0 -1,255,854 0.0% -1.9%
Turret 10 312,500,000 275,000,000 208,390,298 82,805,183 -104,109,702 -192,194,817 -33.3% -69.9%
Turret 11 375,000,000 330,000,000 209,437,485 83,221,289 -165,562,515 -246,778,711 -44.2% -74.8%
Turret 12 450,000,000 396,000,000 210,489,935 83,639,486 -239,510,065 -312,360,514 -53.2% -78.9%
Turret 13 875,214,313 441,433,059 263,112,419 104,549,357 -612,101,894 -336,883,702 -69.9% -76.3%
Turret 14 1,004,441,472 741,224,846 264,434,592 105,074,731 -740,006,880 -636,150,115 -73.7% -85.8%
Turret Salvo Turret 10 200,000,000 200,000,000 276,464,462 109,854,874 76,464,462 -90,145,126 38.2% -45.1%
Turret 11 312,500,000 275,000,000 277,853,731 110,406,909 -34,646,269 -164,593,091 -11.1% -59.9%
Turret 12 375,000,000 330,000,000 279,249,981 110,961,718 -95,750,019 -219,038,282 -25.5% -66.4%
Turret 13 450,000,000 396,000,000 280,653,247 111,519,315 -169,346,753 -284,480,685 -37.6% -71.8%
Turret 14 947,044,816 757,077,090 350,816,559 139,399,144 -596,228,257 -617,677,946 -63.0% -81.6%
Turret SAM Turret 9 312,500,000 275,000,000 277,853,731 110,406,909 -34,646,269 -164,593,091 -11.1% -59.9%
Turret 10 312,500,000 275,000,000 279,249,981 110,961,718 -33,250,019 -164,038,282 -10.6% -59.7%
Turret 11 540,000,000 475,200,000 280,653,247 111,519,315 -259,346,753 -363,680,685 -48.0% -76.5%
Turret 12 594,000,000 522,720,000 282,063,565 112,079,714 -311,936,435 -410,640,286 -52.5% -78.6%
Turret 13 1,004,441,472 741,224,846 352,579,456 140,099,642 -651,862,016 -601,125,204 -64.9% -81.1%
Turret 14 594,000,000 522,720,000 354,342,353 140,800,140 -239,657,647 -381,919,860 -40.3% -73.1%
Turret Sentry Turret 1 10,953,594 11,347,440 87,265,619 34,675,537 76,312,025 23,328,097 696.7% 205.6%
Turret 2 236,761,204 189,269,273 87,704,140 34,849,786 -149,057,064 -154,419,487 -63.0% -81.6%
Turret Stealth Breaker Turret 1 468,749,975 412,499,975 112,261,298 44,607,726 -356,488,677 -367,892,249 -76.1% -89.2%
Turret 2 234,374,975 206,249,975 140,326,623 55,759,658 -94,048,352 -150,490,317 -40.1% -73.0%
Turret 3 234,374,975 206,249,975 141,031,782 56,039,857 -93,343,193 -150,210,118 -39.8% -72.8%
Turret 4 234,374,975 206,249,975 176,289,728 70,049,821 -58,085,247 -136,200,154 -24.8% -66.0%
Turret Watchmen Turret 1 375,000,000 330,000,000 69,116,116 27,463,718 -305,883,884 -302,536,282 -81.6% -91.7%
Turret 2 450,000,000 396,000,000 69,463,433 27,601,727 -380,536,567 -368,398,273 -84.6% -93.0%
Turret 3 10,953,594 11,347,440 86,829,291 34,502,159 75,875,697 23,154,719 692.7% 204.1%
Turret 4 262,564,294 132,429,918 87,265,619 34,675,537 -175,298,675 -97,754,381 -66.8% -73.8%
Turret 5 236,761,204 189,269,273 87,704,140 34,849,786 -149,057,064 -154,419,487 -63.0% -81.6%


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