War Campaign Season 6 Division Roster

Sep.05.2023 BY CM_CALVIN

Era: UnitedWarriørs
War Campaign: Season 6
Season 6 Starts: Friday, September 8th, 2023 @ 13:00 PDT
Occupation Point Target: 145,152

War Campaign Season 6 Division Roster


Note: The WCRA has thought long and hard about the situation of Assault Legends and has decided to make a one-time exception to the leagues rules. This change was made as Assault Legends merged before the announcement of Rogue Assault Leagues. We understand this might lead to some frustration for some hard-working players, but we ultimately believe this is the right decision given their previous standings within Common Assault and how hard they fought during Season 5 in division 8. We thank you for your understanding with this decision

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If you’d like to meet other players to get the latest War Campaign Leaderboard updates on where your alliance is, discuss strategy for control point wars, or find an active alliance, consider joining our growing War Commander: Rogue Assault Discord!

Outside of being able to meet like-minded people, we post announcements for new updates, post surveys about proposed updates, and staff regularly drops in to chat with our players in discord.


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