Learn the Strategy Behind RUBI’s Threat List – Alliance Strength Rankings

Mar.29.2023 BY WC:RA


We’re excited to bring you the official WC:RA Alliance CP Wars Leaderboards, giving you visibility of stats showing how your Alliance ranks against others’ for battles over Control Points. Three Leaderboards are currently posted: Alliance Rankings – War Zones (beta). The other two sub-leaderboards are Offensive War Zone Alliance Scores (beta) and Defensive War Zone Alliance Scores (beta). All three leaderboards will be updated each month on the first day of the monthly feature event.


Official leaderboards have been requested by the community, and we’re happy to oblige! The idea for these leaderboards began as an unofficial leaderboard created by a community member – as it gained popularity, requests filtered in asking for an officially endorsed and validated leaderboard. 

Seeing Alliance rankings in an organized, validated way helps to provide context on what you may be already seeing in-game through War Zone combat and gives Alliances a better indication of their activity and power levels. Can you get your Alliance to the top?


This leaderboard rewards consistent gameplay, difficult wars, high participation, and penalizes fake wars. 

Below is an explanation of each score parameter and how it contributes to the final score.

Total Score Formula

An alliance may be the attacker or defender during a Control Point War. It often takes more effort by an attacker trying to claim a CP war than a defender trying to defend against attackers. For this reason, attack scores count more toward the overall score than defender scores.


Total Score = (0.7 x Attack Score) + (0.3 x Defense Score)


Attack and Defense Score Formula

CP war strategy is different as an Attacker than as a Defender so two scores are used. High scores will naturally be from good quality and strategic CP wars.

Attack Score = War Success * War Quality
where War Success is defined as the Win-Loss Ratio as Attackers, 

Attack Score = Win-Loss Ratio * War Quality
where War Quality is defined by engagement and participation levels,

Attack Score = Win-Loss Ratio * (Engagement + Participation)
where Engagement is defined as battles per war and Participation is defined as the distinct number of players who successfully fight during a war,

Attack Score = Win-Loss Ratio * (Battles Score + Participation Score)

This method will naturally penalize and score fake wars low while scoring difficult wars with many participants high. Those at the top of the threat risk ranks are truly a force to be reckoned with. Note that the same method as above is used to calculate a Defense Score for when an alliance is a defender.

Variable Definitions

War Success

Win-Loss Ratio (WLR) – the total number of wins divided by the total number of losses. There is a WLR ratio calculated for each alliance for each of their attacking WLR and their defending WLR. For example, the WLR as an Attacker is calculated as follows: if an alliance wins 5 wars and loses 10 wars as an attacker, their WLR as an Attacker is (5/10) = 0.5. Influence on the Final Score: High

War Quality

Battles Score – how much above or below average this alliance is when comparing their number of battles per war against the average number of battles.

  • A battle score of 1 indicates that this alliance has CP wars matching the average number of battles for legitimate CP wars.
  • If an alliance has a Battle Score below 1, that means their CP wars consistently don’t have many battles. Fake wars will score near to 0 here because Fake Wars typically have far fewer battles than the average CP war.
  • If an alliance has a Battle Score above 1, that means this alliance’s wars consistently have more battles than the average alliance does. This indicates that this alliance fights long and hard for its victories. Well done!

Formula Impact: Medium

Participation Score – how much above or below average this alliance is when comparing their level of participation against average participation levels of legitimate CP wars.

  • A Participation Score of 1 indicates that this alliance has average participation levels.
  • A Participation Score below 1, means that this alliance consistently shows up with fewer players than the average for their CP wars. Fake wars where a single player singlehandedly takes over a CP by themselves will naturally get a Participation score near zero because the number of participants here is well the average amount for legitimate wars.
  • A Participation Score above 1, means this alliance consistently shows up with many more players than the average alliance shows up with. This indicates high participation and coordination which is quite difficult to do. Well done!

Fake Wars

It’s important to know that this formula naturally penalizes fake wars. Fake wars are often characterized as having a low number of battles or a low number of players. When that happens, this formula drastically cuts the score close to zero, no matter the number of fake wars won.


Control Point Wars are an Alliance-based feature, so before participating, you must first join an Alliance. Look for this icon in the top-left corner of the HUD while viewing your base:

After that, press “JOIN NOW!”

A list of alliances will be available to join. Press the “JOIN” button join any publicly-available Alliance.

After that, say hello to your new Alliance and ask if they take part in Control Point Wars!


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