6.9 Defense Update – Post Release Cost Redistribution

Oct.14.2022 BY KIX_Klutch

Total costs have remained the same. The following buildings have been adjusted. 

  • Peacemaker Turret Lv 12
  • Defense Platform Lv 18
  • Barrier Lv 18
  • Heavy Gustaf Turret Lv 7


WCRA Strategic Building Cost RTS update 6.9 Metal

WCRA Strategic Building cost RTS update 6.9 Thorium

Designer Diary Notes

After releasing the 6.9 Building Update it was realized that despite the increase in reliable metal and thorium supply in the re-introduced Spec Ops and the brand new three-times-a-week Hitman Bounty alliance credit events, players were having a difficult time accumulating enough resources at one time to save up for the Heavy Gustaf Turret Lv 7.

The goal of higher costs is to introduce the need for a player to strategically update one building at a time because the costs are too high to upgrade all at once. Making strategic decisions is a core principle in real-time strategy RTS games like WCRA. The goal is not to make upgrades impossible. After review, it was decided that the cost of the Heavy Gustaf Lv 7 Turret was too challenging for the average player given the difficulty of holding resources for a length of time. Given this, costs were reallocated to three other buildings.


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