May.27.2022 BY WC:RA

Command Center 13 is coming soon! Arriving at the same time are seventeen defensive upgrades and a new missile countermeasures turret. Rock-solid base defense is key to winning the war and these fortifications help ensure your victory. 


All defenses for the entire season are released at once, giving you the choice of what to upgrade first for your strategy—the War Factory 15 is a recommended starting point because it is required to build upcoming Tier 12 Heavy Vehicles. 

The next defensive update is tentatively scheduled for the 6.9 update in September when we’ll see monthly defensive updates once more. 


Chromium is a new resource required for certain key defenses and may be acquired through two sources. The first source is the building Story Mode event track that begins Wednesday, July 6th, which provides all Chromium required for all upgrades in this release. Second, early adopters may upgrade immediately by purchasing Chromium through limited-time offers or item bundles. A maximum of 2,100 Chromium may be held at once.


A level 90 base is required for the Command Center 13 upgrade and all subsequent upgrades in this release. Currently, level 85 is the maximum level. Due to the concentration of power at level 85, level 85 will be spread across five new levels, from 85 to 90. Fully upgraded bases can expect to be level 90 after the 6.6 update.

If you’re currently at level 85, check the current base XP in your user profile then check the chart below. In this example, the base will be level 89 because it has 202,917,527 XP.

XP Level
140,156,099 86
158,685,271 87
177,214,442 88
195,743,614 89
214,272,784 90


If you’re currently working up to level 85, a few methods are currently activated that let you make progress quickly. Each time you gain a level, rewards are granted which may contain gold, metal, thorium, and/or equipment tech. 

From Thursday until Monday each week, building discounts allow you to purchase upgrades with up to an 80% resource discount. Special Events will be run alongside these building discounts, providing access to event stores with up to 50% discounts from their normal point costs.

Read below to see the stats and requirements for all 6.6 defenses.

Command Center 13

Unlock the Helicopter Story Mode, 17 defensive upgrades, and the ability to build an additional Defense Platform, Barrier, and Transformer by upgrading to the Command Center 13.

Health 2,700,000 (+1,800,000)
Banked Resource Capacity 6,000,000 Metal

6,000,000 Thorium

XP 712,320
Prerequisite Base level 90
Resource Cost 894,170,961 Metal

926,321,640 Thorium


War Factory 15

Unlock the ability to build the Crusader, Savaran, and Cataphract. Unlock the ability to upgrade to the War Factory Defensive Platoon 13 by upgrading the War Factory to level 15.

Health 12,441,000
XP 1,172,232
Prerequisite Command Center 13
Resource Cost 323,858,461 Metal

407,855,731 Thorium

456 Chromium

War Factory Defensive Platoon 13

Gain additional capacity and lower deployment time for your War Factory Defensive Platoon. 

Defender Slots 4 (unchanged)
Deployment Time -37% (-2%)
Capacity 3,000 (+600)
Prerequisite War Factory 15
Resource Cost 500,735,738 Metal

518,740,119 Thorium

Barracks 13

Unlock the ability to upgrade the Barracks Defender Platoon, build upcoming Infantry, and bolster your Barracks defenses by upgrading the Barracks to level 13.

Health 5,000,000 (+2,000,000)
XP 293,423
Prerequisite Command Center 13
Resource Cost 126,952,517 Metal

159,879,447 Thorium

179 Chromium

Barracks Defender Platoon 13

Get Infantry onto the battlefield quickly with lower deployment time achieved by the Barracks Defender Platoon 13.

Defender Slots 4 (unchanged)
Deployment Time New! -25%
Capacity 2,700 (+540)
Prerequisite Barracks 13
Resource Cost 350,515,017 Metal

363,118,083 Thorium

Defense Platform 17

Equip the latest turrets onto the Defense Platform 17, which features a sizeable health boost compared to the previous level.

Health 4,260,000 (+1,320,000)
XP 5,513,063
Prerequisite Command Center 13
Resource Cost 20,241,154 Metal

25,490,983 Thorium

29 Chromium


Transformer 13

Give Turrets an essential speed boost by upgrading to the Transformer 13.

Health 1,200,000 (+370,000)
Speed Boost 99% (+4%)
XP 233,054
Prerequisite Command Center 13
Resource Cost 30,226,790 Metal

38,066,535 Thorium

43 Chromium

Machine Gun Turret 15

More than double your Machine Gun damage output by upgrading to the level 15 Machine Gun.

Damage Type / Projectile Ballistic / Shell
DPS 72,241 (+34,219)
Charge Time / Reload Time / Refire Time / Clip Size 0 / 0.1 / 0 / 1
Range (Min – Max) 0 – 500 (unchanged)
Prerequisite Must be equipped to level 17 Platform
Resource Cost 21,907,189 Metal

22,694,880 Thorium

Flak Turret 12

Take out Helicopters and Fixed-Wing Aircraft with almost twice the amount of DPS as the Flak Turret 11.

Damage Type / Projectile Ballistic / Shell
DPS 109,183 (+51,718)
Charge Time / Reload Time / Refire Time / Clip Size 0 / 0.6 / 0.05 / 4
Range (Min – Max) 0 – 500
Prerequisite Must be equipped to level 17 Platform
Resource Cost 44,708,548 Metal

46,316,082 Thorium

Watchmen Turret 3

Use the latest point defense provided by the Watchman Turret 3 to blast Mortar Projectiles out of the skies using more Countermeasure Damage and Countermeasure Health than its predecessor.

Countermeasure Health 192 (+64)
Countermeasure Type Mortar
Countermeasure Damage 1,000 (+500)
Charge Time / Reload Time / Refire Time / Clip Size 0 / 0.1 / 0 / 2
Range (Min – Max) 200 – 600 (+50 Max)
Prerequisite Must be equipped to a level 17 Platform
Resource Cost 10,953,594 Metal

11,347,440 Thorium

Sentry Turret 1

Nullify enemy firepower using the brand new Sentry Turret, which provides the ability to defend against Missiles for the first time in Base Defense from a standalone Turret.

Countermeasure Health 192
Countermeasure Type Missile
Countermeasure Damage 1,000
Charge Time / Reload Time / Refire Time / Clip Size 0 / 0.1 / 0 / 2
Range (Min – Max) 200 – 600
Prerequisite Must be equipped to a level 17 Platform
Resource Cost 10,953,594 Metal

11,347,440 Thorium

Heavy Platform 12

Mount new Heavy Turrets such as the Heavy Flak Turret 8 by upgrading your Heavy Platforms to level 12, which features additional health to survive in combat for longer.

Health 11,750,000 (+1,960,000)
XP 9,303,302
Prerequisite Command Center 13
Resource Cost 129,543,384 Metal

163,142,292 Thorium

183 Chromium

Heavy Flak Turret 8

Pound enemies out of the skies with more damage than ever before by upgrading to the Heavy Flak Turret 8, which features more than two times the DPS its the previous level.

Damage Type / Projectile Ballistic / Shell
DPS 332,515 (+125,341)
Charge Time / Reload Time / Refire Time / Clip Size 0 / 0.7 / 0.1 / 8
Range (Min – Max) 0 – 750 (unchanged)
Prerequisite Must be equipped to Heavy Platform 12
Resource Cost 447,085,480 Metal

463,160,820 Thorium

Heavy Transformer 8

Give Heavy Turrets an essential speed boost by upgrading to the Heavy Transformer 8.

Health 1,837,500 (+787,500)
Speed Boost 80% (+10%)
XP 204,930
Prerequisite Command Center 13
Resource Cost 90,680,369 Metal

114,199,605 Thorium

128 Chromium

Barrier 17

Protection at a low cost! The Barrier 17 gets a huge health update at a fraction of previous metal and thorium costs.

Health 6,600,000 (+4,550,000)
XP 255,000
Prerequisite Command Center 13
Resource Cost 3,022,679 Metal

3,806,653 Thorium

4 Chromium


Heavy Vehicle FOB 13

Break through bases using three Crusaders provided by the Heavy Vehicle FOB 13.

Unit Type 3x Crusader
Damage Boost +80%
Prerequisite Global Operations 13
Deployment Cost 6,687,867 Metal

3,081,409 Thorium

Resource Cost 894,170,961 Metal

926,321,640 Thorium

Alliance Embassy 3

Unlock the ability to upgrade the Alpha Platoon to level 17 by upgrading the Alliance Embassy to level 3.

Health 10,000
XP 825,000
Prerequisite Command Center 13
Resource Cost 176,407,116 Metal

224,285,266 Thorium

256 Chromium

Alpha, Bravo, & Charlie Platoon 17

Gain additional capacity for all three types of platoons by upgrading each to level 17.

Capacity 4,200 (+600)
Prerequisite Alliance Embassy 3
Resource Cost 238,445,590 Metal

247,019,104 Thorium

The Command Center 13 update provides more defensive power at once than ever before! Let us know your thoughts on our official discord server at!


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