Noctua Recon Report

Nov.01.2021 BY WC:RA

Complete your Tier 10 Light Vehicle set with more equipment loadout flexibility than ever before! The Noctua arrives in the Distant Shores feature event on Thursday, November 4th at 10AM PDT.


Hardened armor plating and a reinforced chassis provide added protection for the crew of the Noctua from all battlefield threats. With access to the full TALON arsenal, the Noctua can be modified to fit the needs of a changing warzone. 


Light Vehicle


Damage Type / Projectile Armor Piercing / Shell
DPS Level 1 / 10 54,016 / 72,499
Damage Level 1 / 10 10,398 / 13,956
Health Level 1 / 10 584,830 / 785,000
Range Max 375
Max Speed 120
Fire Rate (Charge/Reload/Refire/Clip Size) 0 / 1  / 0.15 / 20
Role DPS: Sustained
Can Damage Infantry

Light Vehicles 

Heavy Vehicles





Fixed Wing

Cannot Damage N/A
Deploy Time 6 Seconds

Build Requirements

CC Level 12
Garage Level  7
Max Per Squad/Max Per Platoon 4 / No Platoon Max
Capacity 200
Resources 25 M Metal

1.5 M Thorium

Repair Cost 2500 Oil


Slot / Type Name Max Stats
1/ Crew

Unlocks at level 2

Draconarius Training MK1:  +35% Range

MK 2: +25% Damage to Helicopters

MK 3: +75% Damage to Aircraft  

+35% Clip Size 

2/ Weapon

Unlocks at level 4

Aeneator Rocket CM MK1:  +100 Countermeasure Damage

MK 2: -50% Reload Time

MK 3: +50% Clip Size  

2/ Weapon

Unlocks at level 4

Aeneator Missile CM MK1:  +100 Countermeasure Damage

MK 2: -50% Reload Time

MK 3: +50% Clip Size  

3/ Armor

Unlocks at level 6

Caetra Modular Armor  MK1:  +50,000 Health 

MK 2: +250,000 Armor Piercing Resistance

MK 3: +1,500,000 Ballistic Resistance 

4/ System

Unlocks at level 8

QMR-Kuvasz Payload MK1: +75,000 Health 

+Deploy 1 QMR-Kuvasz or Spawn 1 on Death

MK 2: -350,000 Armor Piercing Resistance

MK 3: +550,000 Ballistic Resistance

4/ System

Unlocks at level 8

QMR-Ridgeback Payload MK1: +25% Turn Speed 

+Deploy 1 QMR-Ridgeback or Spawn 1 on Death

MK 2: -50% Time to Max Speed 

MK 3: +25% Speed

5/ Weapon 

Unlocks at level 10

Vexillum Shock Rockets  MK1: +220% Damage

MK 2: +40% Range

MK 3: -50% Reload Time
+65% Damage to Turrets

IMPORTANT NOTE: Tier 10 Light Vehicles (TALONs) that are equipped with the Slot 4 QMR-Kuvasz Payload or QMR-Ridgeback Payload will give the option to deploy their cargo into the heat of battle, or else deploy them upon death like regular IFVs. In battle, click the DEPLOY button button above the unit card, then click anywhere on the battlefield. The TALON will speed to the location, drop the QMRs then get back in the fight.


Aeneator Rocket CM

Damage Type / Shell Ballistic / Shell
CM Type / CM Damage  Rocket / 85
Clip Size/Cyclic Rate/Reload Time 10 / 500 / 1.5
Range (Min/Max) 0 / 500
Projectile Speed (Min/Max) 2250 / 2500

Aeneator Missile CM

Damage Type / Shell Ballistic / Shell
CM Type / CM Damage  Missile / 85
Clip Size/Cyclic Rate/Reload Time 10 / 500 / 1.5
Range (Min/Max) 0 / 500
Projectile Speed (Min/Max) 2250 / 2500

Vexillum Shock Rockets

Damage Type / Shell Armor Piercing / Rockets
CM Health Level 1/15 430 / 500
Can Damage Platforms 
Cannot Damage Infantry

Light Vehicles

Heavy Vehicles




Fixed Wings

DPS Level 1 / 15 9000 / 46,385
Stun Platforms

Heavy Platforms

2.5 Seconds

Clip Size/Cyclic Rate/Reload Time 4 / 300 / 4
Range (Max) 500
Projectile Speed (Min/Max) 500 / 700






Draconarius Training Caetra Modular Armor QMR-Kuvasz Payload

QMR-Ridgeback Payload

Aeneator Rocket CM

Aeneator Missile CM

Vexillum Shock Rockets



Crits / Commons

Crew Tech Armor Tech System Tech Defense Tech

Weapon Tech

2 6,703,710


6,26 / 1,764

524 681 733 629 786
3 10,059,404


1,318 / 3,015

647 841 906 777 971
4 13,407,420


2,083 / 3,986

770 1,002 1,079 925 1,156
5 15,081,427


2,928 / 4,779

925 1,202 1,294 1,109 1,387
6 22,629,820


3,862 / 5,449

1,109 1,442 1,553 1,331 1,664
7 33,940,891


4,894 / 6,030

1,233 1,603 1,726 1,479 1,849
8 50,911,336


6,035 / 6,542

1,387 1,803 1,942 1,664 2,080
9 76,359,325


7,296 / 7,001

1,633 2,123 2,287 1,960 2,450
10 114,546,667


8,689 / 7,415

1,849 2,404 2,589 2,219 2,774
11 2,065 2,684 2,891 2,478 3,097
12 2,311 3,005 3,236 2,774 3,467
13 2,558 3,325 3,581 3,069 3,837
14 2,774 3,606 3,883 3,328 4,160
15 3,205 4,167 4,487 3,,846 4,808
Total 343,640,000


37,731 / 45,981

22,990 29,888 32,187 27,588 34,486
*Unit details, stats, and pricing are subject to change.


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