Light Vehicles Designer Diary

Aug.31.2021 BY WC:RA

September marks the beginning of the Light Vehicle season which includes the release of three Light Vehicles. Our designer, the Firebird, gives us the inside scoop.


Hello Commanders, 

For this Light Vehicle season, we are focusing on meaningful player choice to create ideal units throughout the season, so we will be releasing one unit a month who all share a common set of equipment. This is a fresh concept for those at the end-game that we are excited to introduce.

The three units will all have the same baseline stats, with a slight boost to one category each so you can decide to double down on that bonus, or else focus your buffs elsewhere. What does this look like on a practical level? Options. Lots of options. 3,125 possible combinations in fact. All be based around the three following units:  

  • The Aquila: First out of the gate is the DPS-boosted Aquila, that will burst onto the scene alongside 15 pieces of equipment – 3 choices for each slot. It will be able to hold its own on base defense and offensive raids, and will be further supported the following month with the Corvus.
  • The Corvus: With increased speed and range, the Corvus arrives with a further option for each slot, greatly increasing the possible loadouts for itself and the Aquila. 
  • The Noctua: The final light vehicle of the season comes with boosted core health and 7 more pieces of equipment. 

The Equipment

We will release a full list of equipment with their rough stats and functionality in another post (so you can plan your unique loadout for each unit) but for now I will just say that the equipment REALLY makes these units feel unique. The Slot 2 and 5 weapons can be set up to hone in on specific targets or offer broad protection, the crew and armor tech greatly increase the defensive profile of the vehicles, or strip all but the essentials away to make them speed freaks, or trade defense for further firepower. And finally, the Slot 4 System adds increased functionality AND lethality, plus some extra fun options (want to rush into the heart of your opponent’s base, deploy a bunch of Ridgebacks then speed off? Go ahead!)


We are curious to hear from you about this new direction for Light Vehicles – and see what you’ve chosen and why – so be sure to post your thoughts and optimal loadouts on Discord.

Join the conversation on the official WC:RA server at


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